Welcome to our Journey into Parenthood!

We're so excited to share our baby blog with our family and friends! Enjoy as we record and treasure this journey... as we learn and prepare for the life changing, most thrilling, rewarding and emotional experience in our lives...our journey into parenthood. Hugs and Smooches, A & C & Baby Scerbs

April 30, 2010

Little boys steal Mommy's heart...

Our baby has a pee pee! LOL
So yesterday I had baby's anatomy scan appointment at 9:30am. It was a a long in-depth ultrasound where they measured each of baby's organs. Baby Scerbo is healthy-yay! And heartbeat was 157 bpm.

Although baby was not too excited about showing his goods, it took a while until he finally gave in and we were able to see the very obvious weiner lol. Mommy and Daddy's instincts were so right!

After the gender scan I was able to tour (HUMC), the hospital where I am planning on delivering baby Scerbs. I was very happy with the staff and how informative everyone was. I even ran into my OB/GYN who had just finished delivering a baby.
 I got to visit the delivery rooms and just in case the OR where c-sections are performed. The delivery rooms were and felt more cozy then the OR, it looked so sterile and plain (kind of scary, if you asked me). Let's just hope this baby lets me push him out.
The nurse that gave hubby and I the tour was very detailed and had a lot of patience as I had a lot of questions. I also toured the recovery rooms, the private mommy rooms and the nursery both level 1 and level 2 areas and the private lactation room nearby the nursery.

Pictures coming up soon...my scanner is giving me a hard time right now =(
I took shots with my digital of the u/s pictures, hope they are clear enough...

Baby with both hands over his head.

Baby finally let us see his good...It's a BOY!!

Profile picture of baby Scerbs!

Now Monday I go for my regular 4 week check up!

April 29, 2010

What team are we on?

Will it be Sugar and Spice and everything nice Or Snips and Snails and puppy dog tails?!
Whatever the gender we are both very excited and feel truly blessed. This will definitely be a very special and meaningful day; learning who has been living in my belly for the past 5 months and celebrating with hubby our 3rd Wedding Anniversary!

We'll find out today shortly, we are now on our way to HUMC for anatomy scan.
Can't wait!!

April 28, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 21 Weeks!

• How far along? 21 Weeks!!

• Total weight gain/loss: will find out Monday for sure...yikes-hope it's not much.

Maternity clothes: Splurged into some non-maternity summery pieces at Nordstroms last Thursday. Cute dresses and tops and mommy even got herself a new mommy fragrance.

Stretch marks: None...how long will my luck last?

• Sleep: Sleeping well but now I am getting up again 3 to 4 times a night to the pee pee's room.

• Best moment this week: Besides baby's room window treatments being up, I am sure that tomorrow will be the best day of the week...3rd wedding anniversary and finding out baby Scerbo's gender!

Movement: Lots! Baby is such a wiggly worm!!

• Food cravings: Back to the Mangos and added Keebler's fudge sticks...so yummy!

Gender: Still feeling it's a boy....let's see what happens during baby gender scan tomorrow!

• Labor signs: None...Thank the lord...not even close...136 days to go!

Belly button in or out? Still looking quite funky..lol

What I miss: nothing came to mind this week

• What I am looking forward to: Baby gender scan and our anniversary dinner- lots to celebrate!

Weekly Wisdom: I have said this before...only if I took my own advice...Take naps!!

• Milestones: 21 Week Mark!! 19 weeks, 136 days, 3,264 hours to delivery!

What is the baby up to? My baby measures about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 12.7 ouncez. He/She gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Some studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through the amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

April 26, 2010

Dear Baby; Since the Very First Day

Since the very first day I found out about you,
My entire life changed...I had so much to do.

Since the very first day I dreamed day and night.
Would you resemble me? What would you be like?

Since the very first day I saw you on a scan,
I thought about your future...As a woman or man.

Since the very first day the nine (ten) months began
I live for the day that I could hold your hand.

Since the very first day this I can tell you is true
There is no greater love than the love I have for you.


April 21, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 20 Weeks!!

• How far along? 20 Weeks! Baby's half baked and mommy is halfway there to meeting her little munchkin!! It's such a magical feeling.

Total weight gain/loss: will find out next week...yikes-hope it's not much.

Maternity clothes: Maternity skirt at Target and a blouse at Motherhood

• Stretch marks: None...how long will my luck last?

• Sleep: Sleeping like a rock!

• Best moment this week: knowing I am halfway through, just 2o more weeks until I meet my baby!

• Movement: Lots! Baby is such a wiggly worm!!

• Food cravings: Bagels

• Gender: Baby gender scan next week!

• Labor signs: Ha! not even close...143 days to go!

• Belly button in or out? Still in and still looking quite funky..lol

What I miss: probably fitting into some of my favorite clothes...but the feeling just happens when I am in my closet.

• What I am looking forward to: Baby registry and waiting for the window treatments to arrive for baby's room!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't try to keep your selected baby names a secret...it doesn't work! Everyone will ask and you will tell!

• Milestones: 20 Week Mark!! 20 weeks, 143 days,  3,432 hours to delivery!

• What is the baby up to? My baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now and measures about 10 inches from head to heel. Baby is now swallowing more these days and his/her digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black gooey substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed! woo hoo, can't wait to see if we're a team blue or team pink next week!

April 19, 2010

Dear Baby Scerbo...

All the time I wonder and wonder; Who is this little person growing, turning, floating, swimming and kicking inside of me? Who is this little person arriving in September into our lives?

Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be. And who ever you are, I am here waiting impatiently to meet you, touch you, hug you and cuddle with you....because I already Love you.


April 14, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 19 Weeks!

• How far along? 19 Weeks! 1 more week and I am halfway through!

• Total weight gain/loss: This past week, none

• Maternity clothes: Didn't buy any clothes this week, but I did buy myself a pair of the most comfy UGG slippers, they're called "fluffy" lol

• Stretch marks: None

• Sleep: Just bought the boppy body pillow, so hopefully  it will get me through a couple of more months of good sleep!

• Best moment this week: Sleeping like a baby!

• Movement: Lots! Baby is such a wiggly worm!!

• Food cravings: Mangos

• Gender: Baby gender scan in 15 days!

• Labor signs: Ha! not even close...150 days to go!

• Belly button in or out? Still in but looking a little funky these days..lol

• What I miss: I was missing a good night's sleep

• What I am looking forward to: Baby registry and waiting for the window treatments to arrive for baby's room!

• Weekly Wisdom: Take naps!!

• Milestones: 19 Week Mark!! 21 weeks, 150 days, 3,600 hours to delivery!

• What is the baby up to? My baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom. Baby's arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of  body now. Baby's kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on his/her scalp is sprouting. A waxy, greasy, white substance and protective coating called the vernix caseosa (made of lanugo, oil nad dead skin cells is forming on his/her skin shielding it from the amniotic fluid. Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) 
My baby's sensory development is exploding! His/her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some say that he/she may be able to hear my voice now, and reading aloud, talking to baby, or singing a happy tune is suggested.

April 13, 2010

Books Galore!

Our awesome friends came to visit today and gifted us with some baby treats!
Tons of informative/educational books. I love reading, so far I've read ""What to expect when you're expecting", "Belly Laughs" (I can definitely read it again- I enjoyed it, Jenny McCarthy made it a very fun book and totally tells as it is) and "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" (another great book by Vicki Iovine, fun and a page turner).

So here are the new books we've received from our friends...can't wait to start reading this week!

For mommy to-be...

Like i said, I will definitely read Belly Laughs again and again...

For Daddy to-be...

and of course for baby Scerbs...

I will be reading these to baby Scerbs as soon as I buy the baby monitor! We're so grateful and blessed with such thoughtful friends!

April 9, 2010

Sleeping like a baby...

I've been sleeping quite uncomfortable lately, my back is sore when I wake up and I'm waking up and tossing and turning often during the night. So today, I bought a Boppy Total Contour Body Pillow.
For now, I'm loving it. I've been able to sleep comfortable placing the pillow between my legs/knees and cushioning my belly as it lays on the middle of the pillow. It really hugs my entire body as I sleep, helps support my neck and alleviates the pressure from my back.
Let's see what happens as the belly keeps growing.

Boppy Total Contour Body Pillow... $60.00
Sleeping like a baby...Priceless!

April 8, 2010

Results are in!!

Wednesday I had blood drawn to test for Spina Bifida on baby Scerbs. Called the Dr. today and the results are negative! Healthy baby on the way...yay!

Now, patiently waiting for organs/gender scan day! 20 days

April 7, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 18 Weeks!

• How far along? 18 Weeks! Almost halfway there...

• Total weight gain/loss: gain 5 lbs total in 4 1/2 months

• Maternity clothes: My weakness is shopping and yesterday I couldn't resist a pair of cute maternity shorts.

• Stretch marks: None

• Sleep: Quite uncomfortable as the belly gets bigger...some days I wake up with a sore back. Time to shop for the boppy cuddle pillow!

• Best moment this week: Seeing baby again via u/s yesterday, heartbeat 145bpm and baby was moving all over the place...lots of room to move around = happy baby.

• Movement: Baby is such a wiggly worm!!

• Food cravings: Oranges and big breakfasts.

• Gender: Baby gender scan in 2 weeks!

• Labor signs: Ha! not even close...157 days to go!

• Belly button in or out? Still in but looking a little funky these days..lol

• What I miss: I am so beyond ecstatic with baby I don't think I miss anything

• What I am looking forward to: Baby registry!!

• Weekly Wisdom: When you think you're done peeing... wait a little longer.

• Milestones:  1. 18 Week Mark! 22 weeks, 157 days, 3,768 hours to delivery!
                         2. Choosing agreeing on a name. We definitely want to have set names for both genders and be prepared for gender scan day!                 

• What is the baby up to? My baby has become amazingly mobile, passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that I am able to feel all the movements. Baby is now about 5.6 inches long and weighs 6.7 ounces! Baby is now starting to produce a protective covering along the nerves, called Myelin. This substance will be produced through the ninth month. By now, my baby's genitals should be distinguishable, and soon I will have the opportunity to view them at my next appointment. Can't wait!!

April 6, 2010

Today's appointment...

Today's appointment went great. I had to come in with a full bladder, so it was a bit uncomfortable during the wait. I had 3 bottles of water, so my bladder was so full it could have burst. I tell you a portable toilet would've been my best friend.

Baby's legs were crossed but he/she was moving all around...did I ever mention hyper baby? Dr. R said, baby has a lot of room in there so he/she is exploring. I say good as long as he/ she keeps away from mommy's rib cage...lol
Heartbeat was great 145bmp and measurements were good.

Again I was surprised with having to do blood work. I guess it's a first time mom thing thing--you really don't know what to expect next. This time the nurse said she would be gentle and used a butterfly needle--whatever the difference is, if there's even any... it is still a needle and it's not my cup of tea. But again, anything for baby Scerbs.

This bloodwork will test for Spina Bifida = a birth defect that involves the incomplete development of the spinal cord or its coverings. The term comes from Latin and literally means "split" or "open" spine. It occurs at the end of the first month of pregnancy when the two sides of the embryo's spine fail to join together, leaving an open area. In some cases, the spinal cord or other membranes may push through this opening in the back.

Results in 2 days!