Welcome to our Journey into Parenthood!

We're so excited to share our baby blog with our family and friends! Enjoy as we record and treasure this journey... as we learn and prepare for the life changing, most thrilling, rewarding and emotional experience in our lives...our journey into parenthood. Hugs and Smooches, A & C & Baby Scerbs

June 30, 2010

Mommy to-be quiz at 30 Weeks

• How far along? 30 Weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs total gain

Maternity clothes: Will see what happens in the next few weeks and buy as I need.

• Stretch marks: None but a very long linea negra..

• Sleep: sleep well like every other night and waking up with numbness on right hand oy

Best moment this week: getting pinched with a needle again, not!

• Movement: Constant now and getting strongerrrrr, baby stretches out hard!

Food cravings: apples

Gender: Baby Boy!!

Labor signs: None...Thank the lord...not even close...10 more weeks to go for that! I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions though...I know it is nothing to worry about but they are very uncomfortable.

Belly button in or out? Popped!

• What I miss: my energy, thanks to 3rd trimester!

What I am looking forward to: Getting all the essentials we need for baby since furniture and bedding are all set!

• Weekly Wisdom: Pregnancy is a very joyful time but it can also be filled with worry and concern =( take one day at a time...

• Milestones: 30 Week Mark!! 10 weeks, 73 days to go...

• What is the baby up to? Baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and he weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him, but that volume will decrease as he gets bigger and takes up more room in my uterus. His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he's born, he'll keep his eyes closed for a good part of the day. When he does open them, he'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means he can only make out objects a few inches from his face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

June 23, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 29 Weeks!!

• How far along? 29 Weeks!

• Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs total gain

• Maternity clothes: Will see what happens in the next few weeks and buy as I need.

Stretch marks: None but a very long linea negra...

Sleep: Good but back hurting a lot now.

Best moment this week: My last monthly OB visit went great, baby is getting so big! Now I start going to OB every 2 weeks, yikes! Oh and today furniture arrived!! yay =)

• Movement: Constant now and getting strongerrrrr!

Food cravings: none this week

Gender: Baby Boy!!

Labor signs: None...Thank the lord...not even close...11 more weeks to go for that! I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions though...I know it is nothing to worry about (they are pretty far apart) but they are very ucomfortable.

• Belly button in or out? Popped!

• What I miss: my energy, thanks to 3rd trimester!

• What I am looking forward to: Getting all the essentials we need for baby, furniture is here so I am sure I'll be nesting the rest of the week!

Weekly Wisdom: Take naps or 3rd trimester will kick yiur butt!

• Milestones: 29 Week Mark!! 11 weeks, 80 days, 1920 hours to go!!

What is the baby up to? Baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. ( kicks and jabs to my ribs is what he has going on) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
To meet his increasing nutritional demands, I need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, I am drinking lots of milk, enriched orange juice and eating cheese, yogurt (all sources of calcium). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in my baby's hardening skeleton each day. My baby is the size and weight of a squash...

June 22, 2010

Today's appointment

Today is my last monthly appointment, now I will start seeing Dr. R every 2 weeks...due date is getting closer!!
Baby is in position (head down) and heart beat was 130bpm. Got to see my little munchkin moving around and it's just so amazing to see how active he is in his little space.

I was given a slip to go have more bloodwork done =(  just when I thought I was past that, I guess not!

June 16, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 28 Weeks!

• How far along? 28 Weeks! 3rd trimester =)

• Total weight gain/loss: 12 total, will know next weekany more if I gained !

Maternity clothes: I have a feeling 3rd trimester is going to take its toll and I will be getting bigger, so I've decided to not shop for any more of the regular clothes. Will see what happens in the next few weeks and buy as I need.

• Stretch marks: None but a very long linea negra...

• Sleep: Good but back hurting a bit.

• Best moment this week: The constant feel of baby's foot or elbow, its almost as if he's trying to get out of there trhough my belly skin, a bit uncomfortable but such an awesome feeling =). Also, got the call from Bambi that furniture is in and will be delivered next week! yay is becoming so real.

• Movement: Constant now and getting strongerrrrr!

• Food cravings: Steak Kabobs so hubby grilled =)!

• Gender: Baby Boy!!

• Labor signs: None...Thank the lord...not even close...12 more weeks to go for that! I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions though...I know it is nothing to worry about (they are pretty far apart) but they are very ucomfortable. Today I happened to experience a very bad lower abdominal pain, lasted for like 5 minutes =(

• Belly button in or out? Popped!

• What I miss: my energy, thanks to 3rd trimester!
• What I am looking forward to: Getting the room ready for when furniture comes, then more nesting and baby shower soon! yay

• Weekly Wisdom: Don't overdue yourself during the day, you're not superwoman...and if you try to be you'll regret it before going to bed.

• Milestones: 28 Week Mark!! 12 weeks, 87 days, 2088 hours to go!!

• What is the baby up to? By this week, my baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

June 14, 2010


What a busy day, between the loads of work I have for some upcoming events, I'm happily in the midst of reorganizing and cleaning the baby's room. I am having a ball doing so. The cleaning lady visited already, so all the wood floors and windows are cleaned. I spent 3 hours this morning removing what used to be my work station in baby's room. Next up if I'm still inspired I may just order some nice decor.
I never thought nesting was so much fun!

Next week nursery furniture will be here, can't wait!

June 12, 2010

Sharing my Baby Bump!

Hubby and I returned from a relaxing vacation/babymoon Tuesday night. We figured we'd go away from the real world for a few days before the hard but so worth and rewarding work begins early September. Also my OB/GYN nor the airlines will not clear me for air travel after June 20th, so it was perfect timing.

I never ever thought I'd be the mommy to-be, rocking a bathing suit, but if it fits and looks good...oh well, and like hubby said I am a sexy mommy to be, lol. Here are a few shots of me and my belly bump.
                                                      Not bad...
Courtesy of my hubby =)

Can't see my feet!!

June 11, 2010

Baby's furniture is IN!!

Well not in the nursery but the furniture store called today and said it is ready to go. We just have to give them an ok to deliver it. I am so excited, I can't wait to have it in the house already. For sure it will feel more real that we will have a baby in the house in just 3 months once it is all set up.
I know I didn't share which option we had selected, we did have a hard time choosing form all the beautiful samples we saw. Here is what Baby Scerbs will be coming home to.
Bonavita Metro Collection in Chocolate

We have a very neutral color on the wall silmilar to what's on the photo, hardwood floors and wooden  blinds. The chocolate furniture will pop and the room will be accented with a splash of the colors blue and green. Can't wait to post pics soon!

June 9, 2010

I'm Back! and 27 Weeks...countdown to 3rd trimester begins!!

• How far along? 27 Weeks!

• Total weight gain/loss: I must have added to the 12 lbs because I did eat like a hog during vacation...lol
• Maternity clothes: Purchased 2 pairs of motherhood shorts and a pair of Mavi short jeans; so friggin comfy

• Stretch marks: None but a long linea negra...

• Sleep: I had the best sleep ever while on vacation.
• Best moment this week: Babymoon was awesome, got to relax and enjoy time alone with hubby. Also, spent time with my family, we spent 2 days out to dinner, shopping, sightseeing it was a great time.

• Movement: Constant now and getting strongerrrrr!

• Food cravings: I wnat BBQ anything!

• Gender: Baby Boy!!

• Labor signs: None...Thank the lord...not even close...13 more weeks to go for that! I am experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions though...I know it is nothing to worry about (they are pretty far apart) but they are very ucomfortable.

• Belly button in or out? Semi-popped...lol

• What I miss: being able to carry stuff around and not feeling useless...

• What I am looking forward to: Now just getting it all ready for baby and next week I start my 3rd trimester! It's going so fast!!

• Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy this time to the fullest. You have been blessed with the miracle of creating life inside of you. It is an inexplicable feeling. Although some may not see how both, happy and overwhelming this time may be (10 months) it shouldn't worry you at all. It may be because they themselves have yet to experience the blessing of creating life.

• Milestones: 27 Week Mark!! 13 weeks, 94 days to go!!

• What is the baby up to? This week baby's space starts to grow tighter and baby's lungs continue to grow rapidly. He weighs almost 2 lbs and is about 14 1/2 inches long. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers (too cute to see on the ultrasound). With more brain tissue developing, my baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. I am feeling tiny rhythmic movements; a case of baby hiccups, braxton hick contractions which are very common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, I just relax and enjoy the tickle. =)
My baby is right in position!

June 2, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 26 Weeks!

• How far along? 26 Weeks!

• Total weight gain/loss: gained 2lbs in the past 2 weeks. 12 lbs total!

• Maternity clothes: Went shopping at Pier Vilage and I can still fit in some non-maternity summer dresses, yay to me!!

• Stretch marks: None but a long linea negra...

Sleep: good

Best moment this week: Knowing my glucose test came back fine, finishing up registry and feeling baby kick really hard and constant, he's getting stronger by the minute.

Movement: Constant now and strong!

• Food cravings: I wnat BBQ anything!
• Gender: Baby Boy!!

Labor signs: None...Thank the lord...not even close...14 more weeks to go for that!

Belly button in or out? Semi-popped...lol

What I miss: being able to carry stuff around and not feeling useless...
What I am looking forward to: Our Babymoon T-minus 2 days!

Weekly Wisdom: Stop drinking the orange juice in the morning...it juices up this kiddo

• Milestones: 26 Week Mark!! 14 weeks, 101 days 2,424 hours to go!!

• What is the baby up to? This week baby notices light and air sacs will develop in baby's lungs. Baby has put on quite a bit of weight and is now about 1.7 lbs and is starting to put some fat into his bones, baby's length is about 14 inches. Still the size of an eggplant.

June 1, 2010

26th week appointment

Baby is getting bigger and strongre by the minute. Heart rate was good at 155 bpm and baby is positioning head down in form of a C. Due to his position he has my right side totally sore from the constant kicking lol.

My glucose test came back fine, although the techs srewed up on writing the time of when I consumed the glucose tolerance drink, but since they wrote down the time bloodwork was doen and I had the time written out for my own notes...Dr. R was able to read the results. I am glad all was fine, I had been stressing a bit because I did love sweets prior to my pregnancy.

Tomorrow is my 26th week mark, getting closer and I am both nervous and excited!

Hubby and I will be taking a short 'babymoon' trip this week. Again, both excited and nervous but Dr. R assured me it will be fine to fly (within the US and at this point in my pregnancy) he gave me a clearance letter just in case and said to take advantage and enjoy my trip since no flying for ma after June 12th!

I'll post pics of our 'babymoon'!