• How far along? 28 Weeks! 3rd trimester =)
• Total weight gain/loss: 12 total, will know next weekany more if I gained !
Maternity clothes: I have a feeling 3rd trimester is going to take its toll and I will be getting bigger, so I've decided to not shop for any more of the regular clothes. Will see what happens in the next few weeks and buy as I need.
• Stretch marks: None but a very long linea negra...
• Sleep: Good but back hurting a bit.
• Best moment this week: The constant feel of baby's foot or elbow, its almost as if he's trying to get out of there trhough my belly skin, a bit uncomfortable but such an awesome feeling =). Also, got the call from Bambi that furniture is in and will be delivered next week! yay is becoming so real.
• Movement: Constant now and getting strongerrrrr!
• Food cravings: Steak Kabobs so hubby grilled =)!
• Gender: Baby Boy!!
• Labor signs: None...Thank the lord...not even close...12 more weeks to go for that! I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions though...I know it is nothing to worry about (they are pretty far apart) but they are very ucomfortable. Today I happened to experience a very bad lower abdominal pain, lasted for like 5 minutes =(
• Belly button in or out? Popped!
• What I miss: my energy, thanks to 3rd trimester!
• What I am looking forward to: Getting the room ready for when furniture comes, then more nesting and baby shower soon! yay
• Weekly Wisdom: Don't overdue yourself during the day, you're not superwoman...and if you try to be you'll regret it before going to bed.
• Milestones: 28 Week Mark!! 12 weeks, 87 days, 2088 hours to go!!
• What is the baby up to? By this week, my baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.