Welcome to our Journey into Parenthood!

We're so excited to share our baby blog with our family and friends! Enjoy as we record and treasure this journey... as we learn and prepare for the life changing, most thrilling, rewarding and emotional experience in our lives...our journey into parenthood. Hugs and Smooches, A & C & Baby Scerbs

March 31, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 17 Weeks!

• How far along? 17 Weeks!!

• Total weight gain/loss: will find out in less than a week-crossing fingers is not much.

• Maternity clothes: none, just the BeBand to wear with some of the jeans that I am still able to pull up. Just went shopping though--got a few cute non-maternity sun dresses =) Now just need some nice warm weather for me to start rocking them out.

• Stretch marks: None and no itching at all. I'll soon go through my first tube of cocoa butter.

• Sleep: A bit uncomfortable still but not a big deal

• Best moment this week: Saturday night, I felt baby move, not kidding! It kept moving and moving around, felt it at least 5 times.

• Movement: This past Saturday, felt like a little worm was swimming in my belly lol it may have been a  kick but i'm unsure how those feel from tiny feet.

• Food cravings: Oranges, lots of them

• Gender: Baby gender scan in 3 weeks!

• Labor signs: Ha! not even close...164 days to go!

• Belly button in or out? Still in!

• What I miss: Besides sleeping well through the night, nothing else really--I wouldn't change a thing for this baby!

• What I am looking forward to: Next week's appointment can't come fast enough, just a few days!

• Weekly Wisdom: Lay OFF the gassy foods, for the sake of all those that surround me...lol

• Milestones: 17 Week Mark! 23 weeks, 164 days, 3,936 hours to delivery!!!

• What is the baby up to? Besides being very mobile, my baby's skeleton is changing from soft, rubbery cartilage to bone, my baby is also able to hear things now and the umbilical cord (my baby's lifeline to the placenta) is growing stronger and thicker. My baby weighs about 5 ounces now and is around 5.1 inches long from head to bottom. Though my baby at this point in time is primarily made up of water, in the next few weeks he/she will be putting on some layers of fat. The fat begins to deposit under his/her skin and is important for heat production and metabolism. 
My baby can move his/her joints, and his/her sweat glands are starting to develop and his/her little fingers and toes are now topped with one-of-a-kind print!
My belly measures 34"!

March 28, 2010

My Pregnancy Fact: Gas

I can make my husband blush...(and he doesn't blush that easily)...seriously.
Let me just start with: It happens to the best of us...so I heard through the grapevine.With that said, according to the research i've done; crazy pregnancy gas is unfortunately not always something us pregnant ladies can avoid. With our bodies working double-time making hormones like progesterone and relaxin, muscle tissue around our bod will start to relax – especially around our GI tract. This causes the food we eat to move through our system more slowly, thereby causing bloat. Altogether, these factors definitely prove to be a pretty nasty combo.
My words of wisdom: Lay off the gassy foods as much as I can, since they’ll just add to troubles that I am not looking forward to. Other than that, all I can do is grin and bear it—and hope that my hubby's a good sport.

March 24, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 16 Weeks!

• How far along? 16 Weeks!!

• Total weight gain/loss: nada in the past week

• Maternity clothes: none since the BeBand

• Stretch marks: None and best part is I feel no itching...well, just yet

• Sleep: A bit uncomfortable but not a big deal

• Best moment this week: As painful as it was, feeling baby under my rib cage! Baby decided to move around and explore its home, and stick under my rib cage...it was a joyful pain. I couldn't move, walk or even breath normal. But it was great to feel baby for the first time doing something in there. Baby repositioned an hour and a half later --15 minutes after I finally got to lay down.

• Movement: Baby moved into my rib cage and stuck there for at least and hour and a half.

• Food cravings: My cravings have slowed down

• Gender: Baby gender scan in 4 weeks!
• Labor signs: Ha! not even close...169 days to go!

• Belly button in or out? Still in!

• What I miss: As more time goes by, nothing really--I wouldn't change a thing for this baby!

• What I am looking forward to: Next appointment (2nd tri u/s) in 1 week!

• Weekly Wisdom: Never say or feel like you're too tired to exercise. Walking/exercising kicks exhaustion with a burst of energy, trust me.

• Milestones: 16 Week Mark! 24 weeks, 169 days, 4,080 hours to delivery!!!

• What is the baby up to? This week my baby will begin to move around more..lucky me! Gotta watch what I say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up my voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

March 17, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 15 Weeks!

How far along? 15 Weeks!!

Total weight gain/loss: Gained 2lbs

Maternity clothes: just the BeBand and a pair of maternity 'stretch" pants for now

Stretch marks: None--still hitting that bottle of cocoa butter hard!

Sleep: Still emptying the bladder constantly and some cramps but sleeping through the night.

Best moment this week: Monday's appointment, got another u/s, we saw baby again and everything is going great!

Movement: Non yet :o( just the persistent cramping and some pressure...my uterus keeps growing and the belly is showing some!

Food cravings: This week I craved churrasco with some rice, beans and yuca with mojo (garlic)...had it twice! And yesterday I craved Perkins = a full hearty breakfast for dinner, yum!

Gender: We'll know on our 3rd Wedding Anniversary-what a great wedding anniversary gift!

Labor signs: Ha! not even close...178 days to go!

Belly button in or out? Still in but I've noticed some very small changes-hopefully it stays in for longer

What I miss: As more time goes by, nothing really--I wouldn't change a thing for this baby!

What I am looking forward to: Next appointment (Level II u/s) in 2 weeks and Spring time in a few days!

Weekly Wisdom: Lay off the gassy foods!

Milestones: 15 Week Mark! 25 weeks, 178 days, 4,272 hours to delivery!!!

What is the baby up to? Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. My fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though I still can't feel the movements.

March 15, 2010

Got to see Baby Scerbo again!

We just had another appointment, the normal check up/empty the bladder routine, etc.
The best thing was that I did not have to undress since the transvaginal exams are over with...or so I think.

Baby is very active, moving all over the place. Although I didn't get to see much, hubby got to see most of the action (monitor was turned more towards him and I had a very slight view of the screen) and of course he was not the one laying down and getting all the pressure on his belly...lol. Still, it was so great to see the baby in some motion. Baby's heartbeat was at 149 bpm and measured just perfect. So we're looking for no changes on due date! yay

I was dissapointed I didn't get a print out of baby, but we should be getting some pictures on our next appointment in 2 weeks! yay!

We also set the appointment for baby's gender reveal! I can't think of a better wedding anniversary gift then getting to know our baby's gender that same day! April can't come fast enough!!! So stay tuned, in the event that I do decide to share!

March 13, 2010

First trimester! CHECK

The heartburn is gone!
The fatigue and bathroom dashes should soon fade and my energy levels should peak, I hope. But I am starting to experience headaches, slight dizziness, blurred vision and for the past 2 days loss of appetite. Welcome to my second trimester!

March 10, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 14 Weeks!

How far along? 14 Weeks! Officially in my second trimester!!!

Total weight gain/loss: NONE...woohoo!

Maternity clothes: Just bought the BeBand and my first pair of maternity 'stretch" pants

Stretch marks: None--I am hitting that bottle of cocoa butter hard!

Sleep: Still emptying the bladder constantly, apparently my bladder is baby's first toy...but I've slept throught a few nights, so I'll enjoy all the sleep I can get in the meantime.

Best moment this week: All results of our first trimester screening / *nuchal translucency screening came back negative...yay! A healthy baby on the way.

Movement: Non yet :o( just the persistent cramping and some pressure...my uterus keeps growing!

Food cravings: Flavored Pudding at Miami Rice.

Gender: We go back and forth...a few more weeks and we'll know for sure!

Labor signs: Ha! not even close...185 days to go!

Belly button in or out? Still in! yay

What I miss: My skinny-tight jeans

What I am looking forward to: My next appointment in 5 days and start looking at registries, exciting!

Weekly Wisdom: Know your limits-if you've eaten the full dish and still don't feel full...don't go for seconds, you'll regret it later.

Milestones: The start of my second trimester!

What is the baby up to? Baby is the size of a lemon!! My adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over its tiny body for warmth.

*nuchal translucency screening = special ultrasound done between 10 to 14 weeks that tests primarily for Down syndrome. Your doc will lather your belly with gel and rub a transducer over it, which emits sound waves that then become electrical signals, and voilĂ ! You’ll see baby’s picture on a nearby screen. While you're absorbed with that, your doc will examine the back of baby’s neck. If this area is thicker than normal, it can be an early warning sign of Down syndrome, trisomy 18 (another genetic disorder) and other related birth defects. You'll probably undergo a combined screening, including a serum test to check your blood. Together, these two tests determine whether baby has a genetic defect.

March 9, 2010


Today I experienced the first difficult phase of maternity shopping. Although my belly isn't quite large for maternity clothes, its quite frustrating that my jeans no longer button up...so at this point it was time to go shopping for some comfortable pieces.

Spring/Summer can't come fast enough-I can't wait to wear the comfy dresses every day. For now I will be sporting the Beband I purchased today. The minute I tried it on, I was so glad I got it. It is definitely a must have.

I figured I'd also grab a few pieces that will grow with me so I bought a cute dress and a pair of gaucho pants with the expandable belly band.

March 8, 2010

Gender Myths

For centuries, Moms-to-be have used various wives tales to guess boy or girl.
Here are a few myths...or are these really facts? hmmm

* Carrying high or low. High = Girl and Low = Boy

*Craving sweet or savory? If you're craving sweets, it's a girl.

*The myth goes that if the baby’s father puts on weight during pregnancy - it's a girl.

*The Pendant. Swing a pure gold pendant over the pregnant belly. If it swings back and forth, it’s a girl. If it swings around, it's a boy.

*The Ring Test. Suspend a pure gold ring over the pregnant belly. If it swings left to right, it’s a boy. If it rotates, it’s a girl.

*The Mothers Face. If it's round, full and rosy, it’s a girl.

*Acne. If you have more acne, it's a girl.

*Interpreting dreams of the pregnant woman. Cigars, trucks, snakes, telescopes = Boys.
Tupperware®, keyholes, any fish, almonds, Prada®, Vogue magazine = Girls.

*The Key Test. If the pregnant woman picks up a key from the thin end, then it’s a girl.
*Ancient Chinese Calendar. (Asian legend) Using your lunar age and date of conception, the gender can be “guessed” with 50% accuracy!

Belly talk!

Here I am at 13 weeks 5 days and although I think is quite too soon for this; today I did feel my bump hard as a rock.
Oh the signs of the many things going on in there; the pressure, the cramps, the exhaustion...It is still all very exciting!

188 days to go!

March 5, 2010

My Pregnancy Fact: Starts with a D

Discharge...ewww (referred to as leucorrhoea)
Gross, I know. But it’s the truth and this is experienced by all pregnant women, so no shame.
 Since my body is making way more estrogen now and causing more blood to flow down to my lady bits...means excess discharge is bound to happen.
And while Dr. R said it’s totally normal, it sure ain’t pretty. So my new best friend: the pantiliner. 

March 4, 2010

What does your name mean?

Today March 4th, is Learn What Your Name Means Day
Ever wonder what your name means? Or why it was chosen for you? Perhaps it was passed down through the generations of your family or maybe it has some other kind of significance behind it. No matter where or how you got your name, it is unique to you and who you are. I am a believer that a name says a lot about the person and has a lot to do with someone's character/personality. What does your name say about you?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are at least 151,671 different last names and 5,163 different first names in common use in the United States. Take some time and search here to find out the meaning behind your name. You may surprise yourself with all of the interesting facts you will find!

My name and hubby's...
Catherine Meaning = Pure, Virginal
                 Origin Greek
Anthony Meaning = Worthy of Praise
               Origin Greek

March 3, 2010

Mommy to-be Quiz at 13 Weeks!

• How far along? 13 Weeks!
• Total weight gain/loss: NONE...woohoo!
• Maternity clothes: None, I am still rocking my jeans zipped but unbuttoned...and thank god for comfy tights and sweats.
• Stretch marks: None yet--just bought my first bottle of cocoa butter!
• Sleep: Still emptying the bladder constantly, but I've slept throught a few nights.
• Best moment this week: 1. Hubby and I went to the babies section at Target (really just looking for a doppler) but it was a great feeling!
2. Seeing baby again via 4D u/s.
• Movement: Non yet :o( just the persistent cramping
• Food cravings: Soft chocolate ice cream (twice this past week)
• Gender: For some reason after the u/s on Monday, I felt it's a boy. But I am sure the whole debate will go on until our 20th week mark when we will be able to find out the gender.
• Labor signs: Ha! not even close...192 days to go!
• Belly button in or out? Still in and hope it stays that way ;o)
• What I miss: My every morning cup o' joe
• What I am looking forward to: my next appointment in 2 weeks to see baby again and start looking for baby furniture options.
• Weekly Wisdom: Just because on a random day you get a burst of energy doesn't mean you should over do it that day--the next day you'll pay the consecuences.
• Milestones: 13 week mark!
• What is the baby up to? Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)

March 2, 2010

A Letter to my Baby...

Dear Baby Scerbo,
I feel like I have waited for you to be part of me all my life.

The day I discover that I am pregnant with you, was indeed the happiest day. The needle pokes, the wait, the Dr's phone call and the positive mark on the digital PT are the absolute most wonderful things I have ever experienced.

I am so anxious to tell the world about you growing inside of me, find out your gender, shop for and decorate your nursery, pick out your name, feel you move inside of me, bring you into this world, and hold you in my arms and show you to the world.

I am surely grateful you've decided not to give mommy any of the yucky symptoms but know that I would willingly accept morning sickness, cramps, etc... just as a beautiful reminder that you are there growing inside of me. And even though you are just the size of a plum right now, you are already sooo loved. I will try to be the greatest mommy in the world for you. I have dreamed of you for a long time and I know you will be absolutely perfect. You will be my baby; handcrafted by God just for me.

So stick with us baby, we have a whole life to live together, so much to experience, so much fun to have together and so much love awaiting you out here. You just snuggle in and get comfy and grow, grow, grow! I'll do the rest. I love you my sweet baby and I cannot wait to meet you.

Love you dearly,
Your Mommy

March 1, 2010

Today's appointment...

Hubby and I visited the Center for Fetal Medicine at HUMC today. They took our baby's measurements (nuchal translucency screening) and we got to see our baby again via 4D ultrasound-cool!
I must have a hyper baby in process--the nurse was like "ok, this little one is giving the run for my money".
Baby Scerbo wouldn't stop moving around and throwing the little fists and legs all over the place.
It must have been the pressure of the u/s transducer...it was bit uncomfortable for me too.
Here are a few u/s pictures-we got tons this time!

In the pictures below you can see baby's little fists. Baby playing peek-a-boo?

Baby measured at 16.8cm and heartbeat was 158 bpm.
And of course, no appointment comes to an end without surprise...I got some more bloodwork (serum test) done-at least it was just one tube this time. whew!

Now the wait and the prayers begin for these results to come back normal.
193 DAYS TO GO!!!

(nuchal translucency screening) = special ultrasound done between 10 to 14 weeks that tests primarily for Down syndrome. Your doc will lather your belly with gel and rub a transducer over it, which emits sound waves that then become electrical signals, and voilĂ ! You’ll see baby’s picture on a nearby screen. While you're absorbed with that, your doc will examine the back of baby’s neck. If this area is thicker than normal, it can be an early warning sign of Down syndrome, trisomy 18 (another genetic disorder) and other related birth defects. You'll probably undergo a combined screening, including a serum test to check your blood. Together, these two tests determine whether baby has a genetic defect.